Dear Diary,
December 12, 2023 (9:18 AM)
I'm currently in third period. I didn't bring a book to school today because the library has a free book section that I think they've added to since the beginning of the year? Because I went on one of the first weeks of school and didn't get anything, but my friend went yesterday and came to lunch with like four books soooo. I decorated a door in the school's counseling center and it's getting judged today. I realllly want to win thecompetition and I think we might? My only real concerns are the attendence and the nurse's offices. They look very good. But we have more doors >:).
Oh! I'm working on a shrine page for My Chemical Romance!! I think I'll go and work on that now...

November 26, 2023 (4:52 PM)
I just got back from watching the new Hunger Games movie. I didn't really have any expectations going in and wow was I amazed. I absolutely loved it! I've never been too huge on the Hunger Games. Fun fact: when the first movie came out I was 6 and my sister was 16, aka the target age. She begged my mom to go see it. My mom agreed, but she couldn't get a babysitter so she also took me and my other (older) siblings. My mom said people kept looking at her weird before the movie, but didn't realize why. The only part I remember is when the games started and there was so much blood. I had to cover my eyes for the majority of the rest of it. When Catching Fire came out, I refused to go with my siblings. Then when I was in middle school and edgy, I started reading the books. I didn't finish the series until high school. I really liked those books.
I think I'm going to upload this page to Neocities now?

November 25, 2023 (5:53 PM)
Testing testing. Things just got more interesting. My mom beheaded our Chrsitmas tree topper. She was a beautiful silver blue angel with feathering white wings. Now, she's in our trash can. I almost asked my mom to let me keep her. Not because I thought I could fix her or anything, but because I thought it'd be funny. I also could've tried to fix her.
I think we have another one that's golden somewhere. If we don't, we'll have to get a new one. Hopefully, they're not expensive.